понедељак, 15. август 2011.

Homemade focaccia, yummie !!!

As u all know we went today on river and we came home starving, so I decided to make some focaccia. We both love that and I recently learn how to make it. It's realy easy, and delicious. I make some kinda cold sauce with sour cream, ham and cheese. Think that glass of white wine should be good in this combination, but I'll have that some other time. ;)

I'll gave u some recipe which I found on line, but u can make it easy and devise ur onw recipe. Take a look http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/focaccia_82368

Sunny day :)))

My sis and I went today on the Danube river for some tan. River beach is so beautiful, sand was so fine like we were on sea. It was sooooo hot outside that we can barely breathe. Water was cold tho, so we didn't swim to much, we just lie on our towels and chill. And ofc took some pics, there was so many beautiful and hot ppl which motivate me to do some workout :) But I got time for that... Enjoy the pics...

This is The Bridge of freedom :

недеља, 14. август 2011.

Wall decorations ^_^

Ok, guys I must share with all u my brand new wall stickers. :) It's really cool, inexpensive and easy way to redecorate u room. There are so many different colors, shapes, u can compose all different kind of pictures, whatever ur imagination tells u. :) U just have to be creative... So let the decoration begin... Take a look what I done of my walls. Hope u like it :)

Get the color on ur legs !

This year summer is amazing. Everything is about colors : yelow, green, orange, apricot, electric blue, purple, pink...whatever u can imagine. In this post I'll introduce u with my favorite colorful pumps which I found on the internet. U gonna love it too. Enjoy ladies...

субота, 13. август 2011.

My picture of the day is...

This one :

I tottaly love it, and thanks to @sanjamarryn for making it. Xoxo

Ice-cream, mmmm

It's not good walk if u don't treat yourself with good old McDonald's ice-cream with chocolate dressing ofc,  we like it :)


Look what we found today ! ! !

We're visiting the stores today and look what we found in one of them :))))

My favorite is pink one, love it!